


What's the

Batik's manufacturing is circunscribed almost completely to Java island. Is a free and indivualist art that indian's brought from Egipt and Persia. Towards the XIII century Batik had become a hobby for the royal families. Still nowadays, some women from Java make exquisite Batik works following antique tradicional methods.

The discovery of various vegetals, taken from tree's cortex, on the XVII century along with the perfeccioned techniques for making Batik, introduced a change of used material.

Cloth made with rough natural fibers was imported. The use of vegetal ink is still available, regardless the effort realized to change these for chemical inks in 1918.

Vegetal ink with it's very special characteristics and color changes, is specially
apropiated for Batik's color changes. The base for Batik's manufacturing is that every single color must be applied separately to the whole piece of material drowning it in ink. This requires the whole material to be covered with a base of wax, except for the lines or patterns where the color will be applied. The whole procedure consist on several consecutive steps, everyone of which means the altern aplying of wax and ink, as well as the remotion of the wax, until the multicolor pattern is completed.


Hand made Batik is considered as the most fine of them all. Every "kain" (piece of clothing), requiers at least 40 days, and those of selected quality requires up to a year, sometimes more, for it's manufacturing.

The procedure is expensive and the demand of cheaper batiks has result into the invention of a copper stamp procedure.